Saturday, December 7, 2019

The First Move

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The First Move

Its Grey matter while the Truth will set you free
“Don’t judge the book by its cover”

Why does the Guy always have to message or call first?
Like seriously I have done this survey & asked a million Guys, most girls feel the same...
Ladies this is generic however seems Gender Bias! still true (don’t worry I will write about guys who are Jerks out there too.. haha)
Is it Ego or Unrequited?

Let me Paint a picture for you to see it clearly
Games people play
Women stay in denial
Men can’t stop chasing the beauties
So the stupid guys wanna win em & start singing the song that the chics wish to hear & then the lads even dance on their tunes!
Some Women even think they are Gift to Mankind

Poor fellow - Alias Manu was lonely & looking for a companion, so he set to test the waters however more than often he was looking desperate considering that he was made to feel like that... He was introduced by a common friend, the moment it started with a conversation Manu thought hmmm this seems nice however after a few weeks he again noticed that this one was also the same who needs the guy to call or message first for her to respond otherwise nothing but radio silence! While he started reducing his chase it ended up in nothing but the same old Ghosting

My advice is
Forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & don’t avoid anything that makes you smile

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Arjun the Storyteller



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