Saturday, December 28, 2019

Broken Dreams

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I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
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Broken Dreams

He was a Nightmare dressed in a day dream

Its the time when a Crush lands up in a Crash
The feeling when you realise that... You Got Dumped!

Alias Simi told her story while she lights up a smoke, she had a sudden pale which came out of nowhere! It still makes her nervous, her hands shook while she speaks on
Simi goes back in time when she was crazy about Jack, it was then that she was “In & out of love” every time they had a difference Jack would walk away… Simi had a weakness for this guy & it was always like putting out fire

The time they spent together was a Repeat ache & as she thinks about it… return of the pain. Simi realized that Jack was not easy to keep & had other plans which didn’t include her. Eventually she had learnt in time that Jack was not to keep but to let go!
She re-lives the moments & takes her last drag to end the story but they still haunt her years after the breakup.

Why can’t people stick to the simple concept - If you can’t change em then change em

Is it Too hot for you?

Pls do forward this link to your friends

Arjun the Storyteller


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cheap Bottles of Wine

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I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
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Cheap Bottles of Wine

“As long as there are those that remember what was, there will be those that are unable to accept what can be”

There are good enough reasons to get knocked down... While we move through the journey of life we have enough on our mind & mostly when we wake up the feeling that kicks in is the way we take our day forward. It is better you get knocked out by the blows of something beautiful than the misery of life itself. The entire point of life is that everything & everyone around you has there shit & you deal with the best of it & look at the best in them!

This is how I can remember it & goes something like this:
Mike was the hunk that girls used to call chocolate, he just needed a girl’s name & post the intro it was a breeze to fall for the stud! What happens to this fool is not funny. He had seen much in life & had given up on women...  So the baggage of history never leaves you & turns you into a jerk that he completely was! Eventually he would find a way to run away from any relationship that was taking shape or turning into something meaningful. However one day he felt otherwise
Mike met Natasha & says Pinch me for I have seen an Angel!
He keeps questioning himself what the fuck is Love...
What happens After the thrill is gone?!

I will see you before you see me

Pls forward this link to your friends

Arjun the Storyteller


Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Distance

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I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
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The Distance

So they say “The great good outweighs my__ self interest”

This is how the story was orchestrated
They met at a party, nothing official about it but then they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other... things got steamed up when cocktails started flowing & friends started partying! They were smitten by the killer smiles to getting close with endless interactions which were more than soothing. The night was never suppose to end however the chemicals inside had given the sign for this is the one! They learn that both were from different parts of the country but then the heart doesn’t tell you to stop due to the distance between them that will come later... She leaves on a jet plane the next day while he tries to convince her to reschedule so they may spend another 2 days in the city. They decide to meet again keeping in touch with all sorts of communication... The days became longer to meet however these idiots had fallen in love with the chemistry that prevailed

Only if it were that easy
What you seek lies infront of you, as does what you fear

The visits were delayed & the relation was challenging... Eventually they realised that it isn’t going to be easy to manage the gaps that separate them in time & space
With a heavy heart, Sadly they had called it quits to find who they wish to spend every moment together...

Now to think about it...
Not what has been lost but what has been given

Hit me with your thought
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Arjun the Storyteller


Saturday, December 7, 2019

The First Move

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I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
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The First Move

Its Grey matter while the Truth will set you free
“Don’t judge the book by its cover”

Why does the Guy always have to message or call first?
Like seriously I have done this survey & asked a million Guys, most girls feel the same...
Ladies this is generic however seems Gender Bias! still true (don’t worry I will write about guys who are Jerks out there too.. haha)
Is it Ego or Unrequited?

Let me Paint a picture for you to see it clearly
Games people play
Women stay in denial
Men can’t stop chasing the beauties
So the stupid guys wanna win em & start singing the song that the chics wish to hear & then the lads even dance on their tunes!
Some Women even think they are Gift to Mankind

Poor fellow - Alias Manu was lonely & looking for a companion, so he set to test the waters however more than often he was looking desperate considering that he was made to feel like that... He was introduced by a common friend, the moment it started with a conversation Manu thought hmmm this seems nice however after a few weeks he again noticed that this one was also the same who needs the guy to call or message first for her to respond otherwise nothing but radio silence! While he started reducing his chase it ended up in nothing but the same old Ghosting

My advice is
Forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & don’t avoid anything that makes you smile

Hit me with your thought

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Arjun the Storyteller


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Arranged Affair

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I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
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Arranged Affair

“Love the life you live, live the life you love”
Well this applies much for when your family is fixing you up... Haha! perfect for the season

Good thing about relationships is we forget about how they started

Relevant & true to the core – story time
With all the apprehension Sania is pressurized by her parents to meet someone. Every conversation starts & ends with the same topic, like there is nothing else in life! They tried to show Sania many guys but she would just not be interested, more than anything it was below the surface that nobody was able to figure out… however she gathered the courage to share the person who was in her life which of course was not approved!

After the heartbreak & sorrow she finally gave in! Post which Sania met a guy fixed up by her father, she kept rejecting one after the other… It was something new for her & she felt that there is a 1st time for everything. She surprisingly came across someone interesting & found compatibility or is it something fresh!
Sania started getting involved to eventually feel it in the air... Oceans were singing voices from him… they sang “Open your heart” & all the shit that you kids feel nowadays

So she goes Hmmm this is not bad! Hopefully I can live with this…
Sania thinks, While my life has to be programmed let me learn floating before I swim like a fish

Much feels right while the season of love sets in
They tell each other “Maybe we will”

Please forward this link to your friends

Arjun the Storyteller


Play Book “Give me a Cold One”

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