Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life of the Party

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Life of the Party

“for auld lang syne
For the love of enjoying or celebrating any big to small life event… smaller the better more the merrier!
Did you ever figure out what is the X factor that makes the party going.

Having a drink is like celebrating or getting over something stressful.
Rumour has it - The Bottoms up Phenomenon comes from England where Sailors used to be bribed to join the navy by giving them a coin at the bottom of the beer mug! The new age expression is more to Party & loose all senses by having fun

Folks I have usually seen Sublime beverages elegantly wasted while there are Fresh crafted brews, Monkeys jumping on the shoulder, Double Walkers, our good friend Jack Daniels joining us with the Highland Single Malts pouring like those animals we so adore...

Why do you dance? Is it because Normal is boring & a cusp to the Music inside of me... after those few drinks wrapped around the atmosphere, along with the right crowd you forget your worries! Well it is just a “Crime not to dance” Your brain sends a message to your relaxed muscles to start shaking a leg...
The person who has the most energy will be the 1st one to dance & is also the Last one on the dance floor!
The party is Oozing out.... Feeling so high!
At the wee hours those who have had one too many can be as high as a dream & for those who are in the bad space it becomes as low as a nightmare!

From Live music to EDM to private get togethers to extravagant events to the pub hopping, they all have different likes & various touch points that give you an Aha feeling. We pick our choice to go with our expression. Sometimes you get introduced to something wonderful like Jazz or Karaoke which brings some flavour into the favourites we pick regularly
You go to any party & there in that very moment you always will notice the Life of the Party just pops out from somewhere or else if we don’t find it then humans call it Dead!

Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

Arjun the Storyteller


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