Saturday, July 13, 2019

The DARK Side

For the Love & relationships we keep...
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The Dark side

Everything I never knew I always wanted!
Have you ever had a Hypnic feeling that takes you to the place where you don’t know what the hell is going on with your mind…

Dark is the new Glow!
We all have a Dark side which is hidden & is nicely covered by this conditioned self painted image which like the moon only reflects our softer light, while the sun can burn you over.  

There is almost always an Appetite for disaster which boils like lava inside the core of your mind. It is intense, it is on a tipping point & this volcano erupts when we don’t get what we really want & eventually becomes a need that we can’t stay without…
You get lost in the wilderness, it is like you have a deep craving for sugar when you are on a diet & the only thing you can think about is the sweet cinnabons, you can’t let the love for your sweet tooth die forever! The wild streak crawling around your spine reaching for the exit it always wanted, contained by the wisdom of the mind.
Do you feel me?!

Don’t ask me no questions & I will tell you no lies!

We have so much Dirty Laundry doing rounds all the time… Sad but true - Everyone loves a story at the cost of others.

“Wishful thinking can be dangerous”
The gruesome ritual “Sati” was a sick joke. I use it in my analogy more than often to describe this hideous nightmare which is whipped out from our civilization. Who thought in our wildest dreams that back in time we used to worship this appalling ceremony. The crazy thing is that historically Indian people used to have a strong belief that burning the widow alive was spiritual or shit! It was tolerated till British Raj & was practised in part of the country till 19th Century! Women got the freedom to remarry only after it was officially an act in 1856. Later in 20th Century it was criminalised as some still had some love for the ritual which became a habit for these Clans!
So you see the relationship these jokers had with the “solemn Sati”
There is anxiety which has kept people in this dilemma, some things are better without & you must move on. The things that hold you in this space need to go away…
If you do something long enough you might feel it is the right thing however you must know the concept of right & wrong which is universally accepted not a personal choice to love doing it!
We all keep the Dark side but 
Let there be light!

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