Saturday, July 25, 2020

Small Talk Long Walk

A Minute Read Affair
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Small Talk Long Walk

Folks this is a Colossal story, As good as a True Russian Novel that can be digested in a minute
I am narrating a more apt version, Ooops No No No Best Version for the larger audience
The writer inside of me needs to keep in mind - How you like your story?!
> Spicy, Dramatically wild, Thrilling... Hmmm
Might leave you as confused as a guy in Pajamas, who is running around in broad day light on the streets of Manhattan
I promise you it will be worth your while, so read on

Last Summer! I was on a road trip, One night in a small town far far away I was invited over for drinks.
So I somehow have this thing in which, I land up in places where I am not supposed to be…
I remember it was a Nice rooftop, little chill in the breeze with Flamboyant chics around me who called themselves Social butterflies. Its all coming back to me now

Tall Anita (alias) with a bottomless drink in her hand started pouring her heart out, Those Itchy Scars…
Expressing the Dwindling feelings while she Time Travels to relive those moments, she looks at her friend sitting next to her, getting the affirmation to share which she couldn’t resist because her lips can’t be sealed any longer… (I am not sure but somehow I might be a good listener or something that I get to hear such stories from the horse’s mouth!!!)
My Awfully Lawfully wedded Husband really did a number on me…
“Sometimes you gotta eat with the one you hate”
Well it all started when she figured out that they had no chemistry or biology together, while they drove down to Goa & things fell apart. They were like 2 horses pulling a wagon, it was kinda over
She goes on saying that Its like you don’t know this person that you get in bed with every night
So I said, “that’s where your problem really started”!
& she goes NO there is more!
Give me a million bucks & I still wouldn’t do it again
Anita’s Beloved was Jonesing on a Dude, if you know what I mean

Here it gets interesting… Enters a Charming old Devil (Duuuh in her story stupid)
Poster boy those girls called him! Guess whose ManFriend is this one haha
She said, I found him when I wasn’t even looking…
Well the funny thing was they both met at the same fancy place we were drinking that night, how her 2nd innings began & so she spilled the beans
Anita told me that she looked at him & thought, there is always a possibility to fall in love again, only if you are lucky to get who you want, because sometimes as much as you try you will never “want what you have”!
So it happened to her, One thing led to another… boom - Come be my girlfriend & you play boyfriend
Not legally separated they think, Whats the worst that can happen
Well they became the “Talk of town”

Far out!
Anita goes on telling me that her husband infiltrated some jazz. I mean espionage type of shit
He is Pure as a beast, finding New ways to screw me over
When confronted by her husband, she tried making up stories... crappy excuses if you may
Now when the plays gone south, shit gets real!
She was slapped with multi-million $$$ lawsuits
She said: I am a Lover not a Fighter
Her Parents don’t back down & so it goes on…

I often wonder how long can she live the Secret life. I mean look at it…
Estranged married couple, who Love to hate (not HIS fault that HE likes Boys)
Then with a Bunch of Lies everywhere! comes next a…
“West side story” The world is against them
While they Cohabitate
Spouse gets wind of the affair
A trap & a Trace
Highly unlikely it goes on forever

Anyways I told Anita: Against all odds you live this damn well! On the outlook you seem like a Bindass Lady, Glad we had that chat… May I write about your story?
She said I have more than angels to Break my fall... Knock yourself out!
The battle still goes on. You win some you lose some
Counting her blessings, she Smiles like a Clown & Shines like a Star

You Do You
PS: Neither can I confirm nor deny the facts of the story!

Pls do forward this link to your friends

Arjun the Storyteller


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