Sunday, January 26, 2020

Knock Out

A minute Read Affair
I write about Love & relationships we keep... Lifestyle blogger & more
Every Last Sunday* New post* Same link*
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I started writing every Last Sunday of the Month

Knock Out

The Darkness shows the Light

The screaming words make you visualise how you will always find the truth
Perhaps its the denial
You have to fall to know the glory to rise.

Legend has it that a person who is Born to be wild is usually a Teen brainer till they die... in the same breath I say you have to do something with that knowledge
I will have it no other way, the past might be full of struggle which teaches you much, makes you the person you are today!
If you wish to Mature like a single malt it teaches you to keep low memory of things that don’t matter or just look back to laugh about it while you grow rich in skill. Sapiosexual to Morons we have em all…

So I live to be a storyteller for trying... maybe make a difference in how you feel the very moment you read this. It might be for hope or to smile or those who just get a nice kick out of it.
Happiness & Love is felt momentarily! It is a journey not a destination
I always say that Hope is God. I will cover more on this in the coming times
Life is all about how you take the blows & how we suck it all in... when you absorb all those experiences, the energy it generates is immense. But how you release it is a responsibility you need to live with everyday
Can you tell what makes you smile one day while another day you wake up in misery. Its the simple Light that you see which makes everything bright!

Anyways let me just say that a smile can do it all, try it with people. The world mirrors & act their best. You will be surprised how things turn out.
The Smile knock out can do the trick at work or any aspect of life you place it, be it a meeting or a social gathering or any stage to a simple date.

Smashing thing is I see many kids nowadays who come across simply Formidable & super Ingenious
I get knocked out by A 9 year old who has her Youtube channel
A 10 year old kid knocks me out by saying she is an author @ blogger
I mean they are All kinds of stubborn
They will own this shit!

Call me silly but I enjoy writing after a good Hangover! Haha
Talk to me

Pls do forward this link to your friends

Arjun the Storyteller


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